
Adding to the cacaphony of voices from the Tower of Babel (or my diary of Iraq)

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Begining of the End

Hi everyone!

Getting close to the end now. Sorry I haven’t posted for a while. Many of the things that were so new and exciting upon my arrival have become mundane to me now. I’m worried that I might bore you with constant repetition, as I’m becoming bored with my existence here in Balad. Was I ready to go home before? I’m doubly ready now, and I feel my exasperation will grow geometrically from today.

The Army anesthesia folks who began this tour with us have left. I will miss Major Brian Pitcher, most. He is from Walter Reed ARMC in DC and is a superlative CRNA and officer. He was tireless worker and generous with his cigars. I’m lucky if I can count him as a friend. Their replacements are unknown commodities and we are still getting to know them. We have a new Captain and a Lt.Col. So far they have been doing fine, but frankly I only have three weeks with them and my heart’s not interested in making new friends as such. I’m so much more interested in saying goodbye to the ones I have.

Speaking of cigars, I’m smoking like crazy. Crazy for me that is. I have smoked about 4 cigars in the last year. Here in Balad I smoke that much in a week. Cigars aren’t like cigarettes. I don’t get that “I’m addicted-craving” feeling from them. But, I know they’re not healthy for me. Its one vice I still get to enjoy here. My friends who fly bring me Cubans from Germany (shhhh!) Sounds like a code word doesn’t it?

“Senor K, the ‘Cubans from Germany’ will be arriving by plane late tonight. Meet us at the flight line and bring money or chu-know what will happen . . . and don’t try to double cross us again!”(Click)

Brian, my uncle sent me a serious quality assortment, which I have run through already, and I wish I had more. (Thanks Brian they were schweet.) As vices go they are pretty benign. Hell, we roasted a whole pig at Mardi gras. If Allah is offended by porn and booze I guess he turns a blind eye to all the swine we eat here in the land of the prophet. I have more disdain for Muslim bullshit than ever after being here. Islam forces these people to live in a backward state forever cursed to follow the precepts of that false prophet Mohammed. Many of the jingoistic people here are, shall we say, less than accepting of the Iraqis, I just have pity for them.

My roommate and I barbequed tonight. We got a small pan and some charcoal. He was able to buy two thick, well-marbled rib eyes from the PX three days ago, and we marinated them until tonight in soy, honey, grapefruit juice and spices that we cobbled together. Man, were they good! We resurrected them from their spicy entombment and slapped ‘em on the grill over the piping hot coals. Ice cold near beer, and chips with salsa. It was the best meal I have eaten here. We even sat outside and continued to eat while a mortar exploded a couple thousand yards from us. We didn’t even take cover. Whatever, it was too good to stop. I just can’t wait for a big glass of cabernet to drink with my steaks when I get home. I’m salivating as I think of it.
Hear that Kim?

Now is the time to send anything else to me. I have less than a month to go I will be out of country about ten days from the end of the month, and I will not be here to receive anything you have to send. Make sure I don’t have to ship it home as I already have a couple hundred dollars of stuff to send right now. God willing I’ll be home soon, and I look forward to seeing you all.


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